It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men
Frederick Douglass
District Data Card
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Literacy & Numeracy
Opportunity & Access
Postsecondary Readiness
School Climate & Culture
School Data Cards
Select a school below to see school data cards, or click on one of the domains to the right to see KPI performance.
School Level
District Profile
Based on 10-01-2023 Infinite Campus Statistics
94,735 Students (PreK through 12th)
29th largest school district in the United States
(Based on 2021-22
National Center for Education Statistics
173 schools/locations
5,785 teachers
136 languages spoken
2,130 homeless students
63.6% Free/Reduced Lunch
17,577 English Learners
86.8% Graduation Rate (4-year cohort) in 2022-2023
Compare School-Year
To School-Year
Based on school enrollments in Infinite Campus on October 1 of each school year
ZIP Code
Primary Language
Total Households