Overall School Satisfaction is determined by a group of questions asked on the Comprehensive School Survey.
This survey is given to Students, Teachers, and Parents and have answers of:
- Strongly Agree
- Agree
- Disagree
- Strongly Disagree
A reponse of Strongly Agree or Agree gets 1 point, while Disagree
or Strongly Disagree receves 0 points. The points are added together and divided by the number of
questions asked about Overall School Satisfaction. A percentage of 50% or higher is a favorable response, so if there
are three questions and the student has responded Agree, Agree, Disagree, they receive 2 points, divided by 3
questions, for a 66.7% response rating, which is favorable.
The survey questions for Overall Satsifaction are:
Student Questions:
- I am very satisfied with JCPS.
- I am very satisfied with my school.
- I would rather go to this school than any other school.
Teacher Questions:
- I am satisfied with my department/work place.
- I am very satisfied with JCPS
- I would rather send my own child(ren) to JCPS than to a non-JCPS school.
- I would recommend JCPS as a good place to work.
Parent Questions:
- I am satisfied with my child's school.
- I would rather my child go to JCPS than to a non-JCPS school.
- I am satisfied with Jefferson County Public Schools.
For more information about the JCPS Comprehensive School Survey, please visit the CSS Home Page
at JCPS Comprehensive School Survey.