Public Content:

  1. Vision 2020 in Action

    The District Action Plan
  2. Envision Equity

    A community commitment to improving education for all students. The Envision Equity scorecard team chose to focus on areas that are fundamental in driving societal inequities that are also highly interconnected. These areas are Literacy, Discipline, College/Career Readiness (CCR), and School Climate and Culture.

  3. Academies of Louisville (AofL)

    Updates on Academy schools by Location and Industry, including current year performance and trending reports.
  4. District Data At-A-Glance

    Other key data measures JCPS looks at to help examine the health of our district.
  5. Climate & Culture Surveys

    JCPS Surveys
    Impact KY Survey
    Results of the annual Comprehensive School Surveys (CSS) that our district administers to students, teachers, and parents.
  6. KDE Report Card

    Official data home of the Kentucky Department of Education (KDE) School Report Cards. Data aggregated by districts and schools for Academic, Attendance, Behavior, and other measures.
  7. JCPS Fact Sheet

    Quick facts about the JCPS District and Student Demographics
  8. JCPS Data Books

    Updated annually, the Data Books offer detailed information related to student demographics, assessment, nonacademic data, and school climate.
  9. School Profiles

    The School Profiles show detailed information at the district summary and school level on staffing and student data.

JCPS/KDE Staff-Only Content:

  1. Backpack of Success Skills (BoSS)

    Backpack counts by Location and student.
  2. Academic Endeavors (AE)

    Academic Endeavors (AE) pulls in State, District, School & Classroom information for current and prior years. It allows the user to view the information by student, test, or teacher.
  3. Behavior & Attendance Tracking (BeAt)

    BeAt contains dynamic reporting of behavior and attendance measures. Each report is highly filterable so that you can drill down to the exact data you wish to review.
  4. Postsecondary Readiness / Name & Need

    Keep up with the new Postsecondary Ready model with these series of reports. New reports will be added during the school year as we learn what will best support the schools in tracking the new measures, so check back frequently!
  5. Student Profile

    The Student Profiles Home Page features a detailed breakdown of the student population at your school by Race, Gender, & Key Demographics. Student lists can be exported to Excel/PDF. Individual student profiles detail a student's JCPS career in the areas of Grades, Tests, Behavior, and Attendance.
  6. Extracurricular Activities

    Tracking our students that are excelling in extracurricular activities and athletics!

    CASCADE is a district Data Portal for schools and community partners to access data resources.
  8. Infinite Campus (IC)

    IC is the official data repository and reporting system for KDE-required data.
  9. NWEA MAP Growth Reports

    Reporting analysis for the MAP assessments administered in the fall, winter, and spring of each school year.