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The Research Department designs, collects, and analyzes the “family” of surveys (students, certified, non-certified, parents) entitled Comprehensive School Survey. The Comprehensive School Surveys (CSS) provides feedback to the Board of Education, central administration, and schools so that we can continuously improve our educational services in important areas associated with school climate. From the school effectiveness research literature, we know how important school climate is on enabling student learning, particularly for the most needy students. In this regard, the CSS is a critical tool for informed discussions, planning, and progress monitoring of JCPS as school system. We want to ensure that the voice of students (grades 4-12), certified staff, classified staff, and parents become an integral part of the decision-making process in our District.

Note: a Likert Scale is used for the Comprehensive School Surveys. The AVG column is the average response.  The key is as follows:
    4 – Strongly Agree
    3 – Agree
    2 – Disagree
    1 – Strongly Disagree

If you would like to use our CSS Comparison Tool, you can access it here.

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