Report Notes:
- Data in Green is Trending Down From Prior Year
- Data in Blue is Trending Same as Prior Year
- Data in Red is Trending Up From Prior Year
- ** = Total Enrollment Less Than 10 Students
Column Definitions:
Total Enrollment:
The total # of students that were enrolled at this school for one or more days during the school year.
Total Suspensions:
The total # of suspensions that occurred at this school during this school year.
Black/White/FRPM(Free/Reduced-Price Meals)/ECE Enrollment:
The total # of students in that specific demographic that were enrolled at this school for one or
more days during the school year.
Black/White/FRPM(Free/Reduced-Price Meals)/ECE Suspensions:
The total # of suspensions for that specific demographic that occurred at this school during this
school year.
Total Referrals:
The total # of behavior referrals that were administered at this school during this school year.
A referral is any behavior incident that was officially reported and can be anything for talking
in class to fighting with other students.
Behavior data is pulled from Infinite Campus (IC) each night, so data is based on data entered
through the prior school day. Comparing this data to the KDE Scorecard data may show varying
results, as the KDE Scorecard shows data pulled from a specific point in time, and the
IC data is continuously being updated.